
Wellington! A city! I arrived last night and went out to see a band with the people I’m staying with. The band was good and it was fun to get out anyway. Believe it or not I saw some people I knew at the bar – a group of the international students from Lincoln who were up for the University holidays. Crazy and small world!

Had a relaxing day today – after getting up around 12 and making some breakfast we all headed into town to have a coffee and do some shopping. Of course we managed to get a parking ticket while we were there because we left the car in a 2 hour car park for closer to 4 hours. A $12 ticket when we could’ve just walked into town instead. The shopping was good though, we went around some second hand clothing stores and then down the main street of nice clothing stores and took our time looking at everything and trying stuff on, even managed to find a couple of things I liked.

Tonight we had good homemade Asian style dinner – yummy. Now we are watching Tim Minchin, an Australian comedian who lives in London. Usually I don’t like comedians, full of stupid flat jokes, but he is very intelligent and has a wicked sense of humor. Most of his comedy is in song form, with some talking in between, and he could easily have been a pianist, a singer, or even an actor and instead he has strung everything together to be a very entertaining comedian.

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