Today we went rabbit shooting. Got two rabbits! The first one I hit with the third shot and somewhere in the belly but luckily the bullet missed the guts, otherwise you couldn’t use the meat. The other one I hit with the first shot right in the head, perfect! After one day’s practice not bad at all. One rabbit will go to C. as a thank you gift for the carpet. The other one provides me with enough meat for the next days.
The appartment is almost finished. J., a friend in Hastings, cut the rest of the MDF board for me, so I got two new shelves for the kitchen. C., another neighbour and daughter of the family, provided me with new cups, a bowl, a duvet, more linen for the bed, some jars for flour and coffee storage and some baking tins. With them I can bake my own bread, what an improvement after weeks with the crap bread from the supermarket! They are all so friendly and helpful, I really like the people here!